Hyper-Independence: Generations of Women

Hyper-Independence: Generations of Women

Last month I wrote about the trauma response labeled hyper-independence as a general topic. To review, hyper-independence is when autonomy and self-reliance has been taken to the extreme. These people typically have a fear or extreme discomfort with allowing others to...
Hyper-Independence: A Trauma Response

Hyper-Independence: A Trauma Response

The culture in the United States centers around the concept of independence, capitalism, and making it on your own. Society praises people who can take care of themselves, are self-made, and have hard-won success while any form of dependence is looked down upon and...
Compassion for the Younger Generations

Compassion for the Younger Generations

We are accustomed to hearing the older generations criticizing the younger ones, but it is worse than ever with Gen Z and Alpha upon us. It is easy to criticize someone or a group of people who are not like us whether it is age, race, religion, gender, career choice,...
What is the Ego?

What is the Ego?

Your ego is your identity as defined by a collection of beliefs and when challenged, you can become defensive to protect it at all costs. Self-esteem is different from ego but there is a careful balance between the two. We often hear “Put your ego aside”, “He has a...
Our Past Does Not Define Us

Our Past Does Not Define Us

You are entitled to reinvent yourself as many times as you want. You learn, heal, and grow every day and are a different person today than you were yesterday. Embrace the fact that your past is what brought you here on your journey. Nothing you have or have failed to...
Dark Night of the Soul

Dark Night of the Soul

Have you ever felt or are currently feeling you are alone in a meaningless universe, helpless as you go through the motions, at a crossroads on your life journey, and hopelessness? You could be going through a Dark Night of the Soul which goes by many other names...