• General Well-Being
  • Anxiety/Stress/Panic Attacks
  • Autoimmune Diseases
  • Self-esteem
  • Motivation/Concentration/ADD
  • Limiting Beliefs
  • Change Habits/Addictions
  • Insomnia
  • Regression Therapy
  • Hyper-Independence
  • Coping with Death/Dying/Sadness
  • Cancer – Treatment / Survivor
  • Spiritual Connection
  • Ability to Trust
  • Fears/Phobias
  • Accelerate Healing
  • Infertility
  • Pain Management
  • Pre- & Post- Surgery Work
  • Chronic Headaches
  • Trauma – Sexual & Physical Abuse / Military Memories / Accidents / Etc.
  • Sports Enhancement
  • Chronic Illness Relief
  • Life Coaching – How to live in balance
  • Brain Recovery – Stroke / Traumatic Brain Injury / etc.
  • Manifesting
  • Become more positive and happy
  • Gut-Brain Axis Work
  • LGBTQIA+ including self-acceptance, parental acceptance, friend/family acceptance, etc.
  • And so much more… just ask

Mecca’s General Program

Shayna’s General Program

Welcome to the Mindful InnerChange where I can help you heal emotionally, mentally, and physically so you may live your best life. There are a variety of services offered independently or can be combined into a custom program for you, depending on your goals, desires, and interests.

I offer Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) as a service in itself or as a complement to hypnotherapy. EFT is a tapping method aligned with pressure points and intentions for healing and immediate relief in 80% of cases. In addition, Transpersonal Hypnotherapy is offered which is a less sterile approach and more client centered which means we listen to what you say and adjust the approach accordingly and use softer storytelling approaches in your sessions. Finally, Cognitive Behavior Modification is used as suggestions and homework to start changing the neurological pathways and associations. You may refer to our FAQs for more information on what to expect.

The number of sessions needed is dependent upon what you wish to address. You may need only 1 hypnotherapy or EFT session, but most people find multiple sessions are best. I keep in mind that we all have budgets so time between appointment varies by person accordingly.

Your first appointment is 90-minutes and includes the first 30 minutes of building rapport and allowing me to ask some discovery questions. This is followed by an EFT component and a Hypnotherapy so you may experience the benefits immediately. Some things to consider about hypnotherapy and EFT:

  • Hypnotherapy is not a quick fix or “magic wand”
  • You must possess the desire to change for hypnotherapy to be effective, like any therapy
  • The effects of hypnotherapy are subtle
  • EFT is often referred to as “energy tapping”
  • You do not need to “believe in it” for it to work
  • EFT is a safe and popular energetic healing technique that stimulates acupressure points on the body to eliminate blockages that are causing or contributing to mental, emotional, or physical pain
  • EFT can be done as homework as well.

Homework centers around cognitive and behavioral modification techniques that are widely used to complement the hypnotherapy. It can also involve some energy balancing activities such as meditation, breath work, qigong, and yoga if these appeal to the client but are highly encouraged for certain situations. I use my strong intuition to guide me as well which leads to recommendations and referrals as necessary.

The custom possibilities are endless and I hope to see you soon!


Intensive Change Journey – 8 weeks

Your monetary pre-paid commitment includes:
Initial 2-hour session ** 2 sessions for current clients
Customized plan
12 sessions (1 hour each)

Intended Timeline
Week 1 –         Initial, scheduling, & plan
Weeks 2-6 –   2 sessions/week + homework
Week 7 –         Support/Regular Session
Week 8 –        Integration Check-Up, Regular Session, and next steps

Energetic Awakenings is ready to provide you with relief and freedom. The energy healing services provided have variations and the prescribed sessions are dependent on the current state and needs of the client.

Energy healing using crystals, pranic techniques, meditation, teas, and more is part of what can be done. The number of sessions is a unique situation for every person in regards to need and budget.

Your first appointment is 90-minutes so an assessment can be done prior to the actual healing and after the healing, a report out on what was found is completed. Recommendations for further treatment is made as well.

There could be possible “homework” where cleansing of space and self is highly recommended along with the techniques. Be prepared to learn so much more about your energetic health!

Cancer Testimonial

I was diagnosed with a very rare and aggressive cancer 10 months ago and have been in cancer treatment for 9 months. I have 5 months of medical treatment for my cancer to go. I trust my doctors to do what they are good at; using chemo, radiation, and surgery to do their best to eliminate the physical cancer that had grown in my body. But I want to treat all layers of the disease; emotional, mental, and spiritual as well as the physical. When I’m done with medical treatment, I want to have created an environment that will not grow cancer back again.

I found Mecca and we started working together before I was able to start medical cancer treatment. Mecca’s skills with Hypnotherapy, EFT, IEFT, and CBT have been extremely helpful in that quest. My medical doctors have been impressed by how healthy and resilient I have been all the way through treatment, and I believe working with Mecca has been a big part of that success. I highly recommend her professional skills.

– Stephanie Bish

Submitted July 10,2023