Fear: Rational or Irrational?

Fear: Rational or Irrational?

Fear is a complex emotion that invokes a specific physiological response in us. It engages the sympathetic nervous system so we may be ready to defend ourselves and fight for our lives or run and escape danger. There is also the freeze response that is not mentioned...
Shadow Work is Psychotherapy

Shadow Work is Psychotherapy

The psychoanalyst Carl Jung, and one of my personal favorites, identified the collective unconscious which is comprised of eight archetypes. Self: The center of the personality or psyche — your conscious awareness Shadow: The dark and emotional aspect of your psyche...
Hyper-Independence: Men

Hyper-Independence: Men

What does hyper-independence look like in men? I have written about hyper-independence as a general topic and about the impact on generations of women. The extreme autonomy and self-reliance that invokes extreme discomfort when contemplating asking for help. There are...
Our Past Does Not Define Us

Our Past Does Not Define Us

You are entitled to reinvent yourself as many times as you want. You learn, heal, and grow every day and are a different person today than you were yesterday. Embrace the fact that your past is what brought you here on your journey. Nothing you have or have failed to...
Unconditional Self-Worth

Unconditional Self-Worth

Aren’t self-esteem and self-worth the same thing? They are not, but are both important. Let’s start first with self-esteem since that seems to be referred to most often. Self-esteem is primarily built upon sources outside of yourself that you don’t control. It is...
Author of My Life

Author of My Life

I remember when I was young and feeling that excitement when I was given a blank piece of paper. The excitement that rose up within me was palpable and I feel it now when thinking back. I even share in the pure joy of children today who are being entertained by the...